Wednesday, December 15, 2010

when God whispers

Today there are many loving people praying and fasting for my family's future. Sometimes it's still hard to trust God, because 40 years in the desert have killed my strength, my hopes, parts of my faith. But today, i'm listening to the Father's song, and hopefully God will see beyond my fears.

And He whispers again, just how He used to...
"They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them. Because He, who has compassion on them, will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.
I will turn all my mountains into roads, and my highways will be raised up
." Isaiah 49:10,11.

"Neither hunger or thirst", God whispers... We've been stumbling in this dessert for so long, hungry for more faith, more of God in us; we've been thirsty for God's answers to our prayers, for His blood to cure us.. He now promises this will have an end, and i dont expect it to be NOW, but i believe it will slowly happen. I believe that our souls will be fed with His words, i believe that His hands can take away and fear, and that He does hold the key to a nice future.

"nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them"... He never sent us away, although i believed this for a long time.. When the heat of doubt burnt all my hopes that He might actually listen to us, He whispered that this happened for a reason; it happened so that we'd grow more and more, so that we'd learn how to survive based on our decisions and how to base those decisions on His character; it burnt so much, stumbling on hot sand, looking for a spring to cure my doubts... But He had it all prepared; He had the reason prepared..."Because He, who has compassion on them, will guide them and lead them beside springs of water"
He made me grow and learn to walk alone with Him beside me. I was no baby anymore, He didnt have to carry me in His arms so i wont feel the hot sand burning my feet.. He put me down, let me stumble, and He watched me crying how i almost lost everything, all my hopes all my dreams. But He made the right decision, He helped me grow, so that now i'd enter His rewards, knowing Him so deeply, feeling Him so fully...

"I will turn all my mountains into roads, and my highways will be raised up", says the Lord who takes such sweet care of us... There are so many things standing in the way of my family's future, standing in the way of our fullfilment... Sometimes we can't bare it anymore, wondering what tomorrow might bring. But He sais that all these mountains, all these trials that actually come from Him to test us and make us grow, will go away. He will destroy them once we abandom ourselves in His hand, once we accept that He has the power to make it all better. It's SO hard to completely trust Him! so hard to believe in someone you cannot see.. but He whispers! we can hear Him! and He conforts us, He knows it's hard stumbling in the desert, with no water around for miles, but He carries us when the burden it's too heavy... His promises WILL be fulfilled, i wont doubt them anymore, because
the Father's song, the Father's love, is now written on our hearts...

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